Sharing Secrets


Anonymous said…
So cute! 3 sets of little velcroed feet =)
Anonymous said…
I love this shot! You caught them at a great moment. This picture really tells a story.
Anonymous said…
Ahhh, I took one look at the picture and thought "oh, look at the velcro!"...but Tali beat me to the comment. :) Adorable.
Anonymous said…
I see 'pink' is alive and well in the US too! Whenever I buy something for my sister's kids she says to try and stay away from the pink, because everything they own is pink! Great shot!!!
Lara said…
it's funny - i didn't even think about the velcro, but apparently it's a common first impression to get from this photo, since both tali and seeser thought the same thing to comment. :-P

oh, and hanlie - yes, pink is very much alive and well with many of the little girls in our preschool. no worries about pink dying out anytime soon. ;)
I love this picture...a good shot wich tells a lot of "souvenir" for all of us.

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