BSM: Surprises in Hiding

In a stack of logs near where I work, I found this surprising image:

Tell me those don't look like little baby footprints burned into that hunk of wood. How did they get there? How did they end up in that little shape? And how lucky am I to have found them one day when I just happened to have my eyes open and my camera at hand?

For more Best Shots, go visit the lovely Tracey!


tracey clark said…
How totally amazing!

And, I just wanted you to know, that I updated my post since you commented. It's some important stuff so I would love it if you stopped back over to read. : )

Hanlie said…
Absolutely! I really have to carry my camera with me more often...
Bonnie said…
The so doooo look like baby footprints ! Adorable ! It's amazing what we see when we are looking !!
Andi said…
I find it amazing the surprises in nature...little gifts for unexpected moments just like this one!
Anonymous said…
What a coolie find!! Bravo to you for having an eye for such things!

Stacy said…
that's so amazing! great shot.
Maggie said…
You're right - those do look just like baby footprints! What a great capture!
Anonymous said…
Yes, they really do. Amazing.
Unknown said…
It does! Wow, that is amazing.
Never That Easy said…
That's gorgeous: what a find! It's so awesome, the things we find when we keep our eyes open. That something like this was hiding in the wood, well it makes me smile.
Kyla said…
How interesting!
HLB said…
Fun catch! (I have to admit that the shape of the African continent came to mind before baby feet... I'd say it depends on what you're hanging around, but it's not like I'm chillin' with continents. :) )
Christina said…
That is too cool! What a great find!
kim said…
wow - nice capture!
Rose said…
It's the Virgin Mary!!

Just Kidding.

It is really cool, it does look like footprints. I probably would have missed the moment.
Wow, that truly is crazy!
mandaroo63 said…
What a neat find! Soooo, is the universe trying to tell you something?

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