After This, He Swallowed Flaming Swords


Yuriko said…
He looks like he's going to spit up a third cone.

Cool stuff here.
Major Bedhead said…

Sure, because the ice cream chills the gullet before the swords go down. I thought everyone knew that.
tpiglette said…
HAHAHA. Oh, that moo. Awesome shot!

(I was going to type his name, but then realized I wasn't sure if you're avoiding real names as a policy. Are you?)
Anonymous said…
What a crazy appetite! Oh to be young again. :)
jittacatgirl said…
is that MY sorbet he's eating?
Lara said…
jitta - actually, no. it's mine. :-P
oh my! seems he's doing it in the wrong order. :)

saw you over at anna's......

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